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February Super Member of the Month!

By February 8, 2019No Comments

5 Things to Know about Dalton Moses

Dalton hitting it hard at RoxFire Fitness

1. What brought you to RoxFire?

My boyfriend asked if I’d try CrossFit with him. I was skeptical at first, but I’m glad that I’m sticking with it

2. Tell us a little bit about you!

I grew up in Arkansas and moved to Florida from Austin, Texas two years ago. I read a lot of books and magazines, watch movies, collect records, go to music festivals, hangout with my guy and my cats & travel when I can.

 3. What are your own special super powers? 

I have a photographic memory ( when I’m sober!).

4. What’s your secret talent that no one knows about? 

I can do a Lotus Pose without using my hands.

5. Any advice for someone considering trying CrossFit?

Start out slow, listen to your Coach, and don’t be afraid of being a sweaty, exhausted mess in front of relative strangers.

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