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June Super Member of the Month: Bill J

By June 6, 2019No Comments
Bill working hard during Murph

What brought you to RoxFire?

I was searching the many CrossFit gyms in Fort Lauderdale sending emails, DM’s and such asking for more information. I eventually came across RoxFire and and to my surprise I received an immediate response!

Tell us a little bit about you, what does Bill like to do in his spare time out in the real world?

I am a family guy. I really enjoy being with my family, we may not always being do something cool and crazy but we are together enjoying every moment no matter how small.

What are your own special super powers? 

Determination and will power.

What’s your biggest achievement in the gym so far?

I learned to jump rope!

What motivates or inspires you?

The feeling of accomplishment.  

 Any advice for someone considering trying CrossFit?

It’s a fun challenging way to work out like you have never worked out before. Be open minded and patient!

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