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July Super Member of the Month: Dustin J

By July 15, 2019No Comments
Dustin working hard on his cleans!

What brought you to RoxFire?

For the past year or so, I had wanted to focus on my overall health and fitness but kept putting it off as life tends to fly by rapidly. I had all the excuses in the book for not working out hard.  Until one day I won a free month at RoxFire while at a Chamber of Commerce event. It was life-changing, and I have been a member ever since.

Tell us a little bit about you, what does Dustin like to do in his spare time out in the real world?

I grew up in Ohio on a horse farm and ran track and cross country competitively for years. I have been living in Florida for about 15 years now.  I am an animal fanatic, love being out on the water or spending time with my family and friends.

What are your own special super powers? 

My extreme good looks…?  lol no really If I had to pick my superpower it would be congeniality.

Whats’ your biggest challenge?

I still struggle to get the correct movements down for many of the Olympic lifts.  I need not to overthink the movement and get out of my own way.   

What’s your biggest achievement in the gym so far?

Finally figuring out how to do cleans correctly and just feeling stronger overall.

What motivates or inspires you?

The challenge of not only building physical strength but mental strength at the same time, I am inspired by all of the great athletes and coaches I get to workout alongside.

 Any advice for someone considering trying CrossFit?

Do it!  It’s one of the best decisions I have made. Just throw the hesitation aside and jump in. 

If you could tell the world just one thing, your statement to the world, what would it be?

We’re not here for a long time we’re here for a good time.

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