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The Spirit of the RoxFire Hero Team Tournament

By November 24, 2020December 4th, 2020No Comments

During these past few weeks of the RoxFire Hero Team Tournament, we’ve seen the best of our members come out and we can honestly say that we’re proud. RoxFire has always been about being the best version of you and our members reflect that idea to the fullest. Are many competitive to a fault? Yes, but that drives performance and improvement. Has everyone been inclusive and supportive, no matter the fitness level that’s competing? 110%. What’s been a joy to watch are the members who have reflected on their experience and how they’ve grown over the past few weeks because this competition has always been about one thing: an opportunity to grow. That’s why we created the Spirit of the Tournament Award.

The four teams have each put forth a candidate the exemplifies the qualities we look for in our culture that have been expressed throughout the competition. These four individuals are welcoming & supportive, but will push you to be the best version of yourself with no excuses. They are a member who has supported their team captain and their fellow teammates by organizing, lending a hand and improving morale if there’s been a dip. They all have pushed themselves individually to be the best they can be from a performance standpoint, often surprising themselves with the results. A strong resolve and an indomitable will are key ingredients to their success, individually and collectively.

The next step will be for the other teams to review these candidates and vote for the one they feel best exemplifies the honor of the Spirit of the Tournament. The twist is that members are not allowed to vote for the candidate put forth from their own team. This is in an effort to showcase how this individual has impacted not only their team, but the competition as a whole. 

We look forward to revealing the winner at our Holiday Party on December 12th!

Without further ado here are the nominees:

CAROLINE F, Fun Disasters

Strong muscles, but even stronger enthusiasm, Caroline exemplifies the Fun Disaster spirit! She is motivating and welcoming to all, no matter what you’re on. She is energetic and always pushes others to do their best. She helped create our t-shirt and has been such an asset to pushing us each week! Caroline puts the FUN in Fun Disaster!

nominated by Fun Disasters captain Danielle K.

CAROLINE M, Drinking Horses

Caroline has shown relentless positivity, spirit, and dedication throughout this competition. Aside from being one of the top female performers at RoxFire, Caroline continues to encourage her teammates to succeed, both in and out of the gym. She took charge of ordering our team shirts, motivates her teammates to perform to the best of their ability during each and every competition, and is eager to plan and attend team outings. While she is quiet and unassuming during class, she embodies the spirit of this competition as a shining star on Team Drinking Horses. Caroline, we are lucky to have you on our team! 

nominated by Drinking Horses captain Alyssa T.


Taylor is an amazing part of the MI6 Team. One of the last players to join the team, she has brought a spark that is engaging and motivating. She brings a balance of strength and fun to an already awesome team!

nominated by MI6 captain Jack S.

GRANT S, Team Blitzkrieg

Grant has all the qualifications of a Hero. He shows up, and by that I mean he comes to every workout ready with a plan and the drive to leave it all on the field. He is a team player and is always there to offer support, often sharing his strategy with the team and coming in when he’s not working out to cheer others on. He is reliable and kind. Grant embodies the Hero in himself and supports others around him to achieve their own hero status! 

nominated by Team Blitzkrieg captain Adam H.

All participating members can cast their vote by going here!

Voting will close on Tuesday December 8th.

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