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3 Things To Get You Turnt For The Weekend

By February 21, 2024No Comments

You read that correctly.

At RoxFire Fitness, our journey goes beyond conquering workouts.

First & foremost we are dedicated to intense training every day; check the gram for the receipts.

However the full experience of RoxFire includes enhancing our wellness and forging connections.

Read below to learn how to complete all three steps to get you turnt for the weekend.

  1. Do Transformative Functional Training

Saturday we have our bad-a$$ class Elevate at 8:30 & 9:30 AM (I’ll be coaching). I told Coach Aaron, our Programmer, there’s one rule with Elevate: “if it doesn’t push you beyond your limits, then we aren’t programming it!”

He obliges.

“Irregardless”, we have Elevate Tuesdays and Saturdays (and that’s quite enough). We balance our programming design and intensity throughout the week.

Coach Aaron and I will be sitting down for a chat about programming next week where we are officially launching our podcast!


And Sunday, we have a class called Sunday Funday. I’m not gonna tell you about it, you just have to experience it for yourself (last week there was an obstacle course). Enough said, come try it out.

2. Make New Friends Without Getting Drunk

If you read our last newsletter you learned all about Karma Kava Bar.

Have you been yet?

If not, you’re in luck.

You can join myself and the RoxFire crew this Saturday (2/24) at 8 pm for our February Member Mixer. Come get a kava shell or a kratom punch and let’s hang out. We can get turnt without a hang over. If it makes you anxious to meet new people sober, you’re not alone and will be welcomed. You don’t have to be a RoxFire member to join us either.

Just be someone interested in meeting some cool, eclectic fit-folk and wanting to try a Fijian drink!

Also, your first kava shell is on the house if you RSVP here.

3. Give yourself some TLC

Have you ever done Sound Healing?

We. Are. Obsessed.

Reiki Master Perri Heller performs a sound healing ceremony once a month at RoxFire. If it sounds oddly terrifying yet completely intriguing, you should join us.

It’s complimentary and I promise it’ll help de-stress you (especially if you’re part of the most stressed generation.)

I’ve been doing sound healing personally for about 6 months now. It’s pretty low maintenance, because basically you lie down for an hour and close your eyes.

You let the waves of sound created from the crystal singing bowls do the healing work as you deeply relax. The sound gets inside of you and brings up whatever you’re resisting to refresh you.

As a bonus, (for those who’d like it) Perri performs Reiki and delivers a written channelled message. The messages she’s done for me have been scarily accurate.

You’ll come out of this (free) session feeling relaxed, more mentally clear and dare I say, healed. So come join us Saturday at 10:30 AM!

Your mission if you choose to accept it: work out, heal yourself, make friends.

Talk with you soon,

Coach LJ