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August Super Member of the Month: Danielle K.

By August 6, 2019No Comments

What brought you to RoxFire?

I was looking for a gym where I would feel challenged and where I could meet new people. After my first workout at RoxFire, I knew it was a great fit for me! 

Tell us a little bit about you, what does Danielle like to do in his spare time out in the real world?

I’m originally from NY so I absolutely love snowboarding! I’ve been in Florida for about 2 years now. I have two dogs (Lola and Ares) that I’m absolutely obsessed with. 

What are your own special super powers? 

I’m hilarious! Actually, there’s a 99% chance I’m only funny in my head but I’m going to stick with that. (Coach LJ Edit: This is a confirmed fact!)

What’s your biggest achievement in the gym so far?

FINALLY figuring out how to do snatches. They say good things are worth waiting for and with snatches I waited, and waited, and waited…

What’s your biggest challenge?

Box jumps. I got in my head the first time I did box jumps and have been unable to do them since. It’s something I have been actively working to get past.

What motivates or inspires you?

Food! I only like to lift two things: them weights, dat fork.

Any advice for someone considering trying CrossFit?

Let any fears about trying something new go. The first time I tried Crossfit, I walked in terrified. Now, it’s easily one of the best parts of my day. 

If you could tell the world just one thing, your statement to the world, what would it be?

Life is better when you’re laughing.

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